How to find Unleashed AP serial number


Steps to find Unleashed AP serial number


Where can I find serial number for Unleashed Access Point on GUI?

Customer Environment

Unleashed setup

Root Cause

Customer contacting Support is looking for his Unleashed AP serial number(s).


Please follow the below steps to get to the information:

  1. Log into the GUI of Unleashed AP

  2. Click on Dashboard

  3. Click on Access Points on the left

  4. Click on Ruckus AP having a tag as Master AP on it

  5. Click on System Overview Info

  6. Find the serial number under the System Overview details

    We can also find the Firmware Version of the Access Point, below the Serial Number.

    Please take reference from below screenshot:

    User-added image

  7. To find serial number of Slave Unleashed AP's, follow the steps above and then click on the leader AP name showing below Master AP

    Please take reference from below screenshot:

    User-added image

Article Number:

September 15, 2020 07:03 PM (over 3 years ago)

Firmware, Unleashed


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