WebUI problem after upgrading to 9.5.0
WebUI problem after upgrading to 9.5.0Customer Environment
There is a CLI command that can typically reset the WebUI, without havinghad to downgrade your firmware again, that we’d like to suggest before going thru the
software install/reboot process. Let me provide this for reference.
SSH to your ZD, login with your admin credentials and you can reset your certificate thru
the command interface. This will restart your ZoneDirector after the certificate is reset.
ruckus> en
ruckus# config
ruckus (config)# certificate
ruckus (config-certificate)# restore
ZoneDirector will restart now to apply the changes in the certificate settings.
[ and you lose your connection ]
Run a continuous ping from a DOS command prompt window, until your ZoneDirector
replies again, when you can try the WebGUI once more.
We have seen a WebUI access issue after upgrade for a very few customers who went straight
from version to version, without going thru the MR first.
You will see a Secure Connection Failed message like the below
Ping and SSH access are unaffected, the operation of the wireless network is unaffected.
You can avoid the problem if you go to our Support Site Downloads page, and get firmware for your ZD.
To upgrade, start at Administer/Backup and save a copy of the current config.
You might wish to add “9400110” to the filename afterwards. Then from Administer/
Upgrade, you browse the file just downloaded, and when prompted to do a
backup, you can skip and click Upgrade to continue.
Run a continuous ping to your ZD’s IP address, and after it’s uploaded the whole image
it will reboot, and you’ll see some pings miss (if you’re not able to see the status LED go
from flashing red to green after rebooted and fully back up). A couple minutes later you
should be redirected, else click the URL to get the ZD login.
From Monitor/Access Points, you can watch as the APs go from upgrading firmware
to disconnected when they reboot, to provisioning and finally Connected states again,
when you can repeat the process for
If you have already done the upgrade, and experienced the problem...
There is a CLI command that can typically reset the WebUI, without having
had to downgrade your firmware again, that we’d like to suggest before going thru the
software install/reboot process.
SSH to your ZD, login with your admin credentials and you can reset your certificate thru
the command interface. This will restart your ZoneDirector after the certificate is reset.
ruckus> en
ruckus# config
ruckus (config)# certificate
ruckus (config-certificate)# restore
ZoneDirector will restart now to apply the changes in the certificate settings.
[ and you lose your connection ]
Run a continuous ping from a DOS command prompt window, until your ZoneDirector
replies again, when you can try the WebGUI once more.
Article Number:
April 30, 2021 02:07 AM (almost 4 years ago)
Troubleshooting, Known Issues and Workarounds, ZoneDirector
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