Do Ruckus Access points support 802.11r (Fast Transition) when it is in standalone mode


APs in standalone mode do not support 802.11r (Fast Transition)


Does Ruckus Access point support 802.11r (Fast Transition) when it is in standalone mode?

Customer Environment

Standalone AP mode

Root Cause

In standalone mode, two or more APs will never be the part of same ESS (Extended Service Set) so roaming is not possible.


No. It does not support 802.11r when it is in Stand-Alone Mode. 802.11r works only when the access point is managed by a controller.

IEEE 802.11r is an amendment to the 802.11 standard for the deployment of IP-based telephony over 802.11-based phone devices. The IEEE 802.11r amendment is designed to increase handoff speed between access points in a wireless local area network (WLAN). 

IEEE 802.11r serves as a fast-roaming standard that addresses connectivity and is critical to applications that require high quality and low latency, particularly Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

IEEE 802.11r is also known as the fast basic service set.

Article Number:

September 17, 2020 09:42 AM (over 3 years ago)

Configuration, ZoneFlex Indoor, ZoneFlex Outdoor


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