P300 bridges are not establishing a connection


Non-Root bridge will drop wireless if it sees an alternative (ie Wired) path to default GW.


Why aren't my P300 bridges connecting?

Customer Environment

P300 link, SW, RB able to reach internet. NRB able to reach internet. Bridges not connecting.

Root Cause

If the NRB is able to reach the GW IP address, or if it establishes an Internet connectivity through the wire, it will shut down the wireless - design of the Mesh mechanism within the P300.

Troubleshooting Steps

The RB and NRB were appropriately provisioned in the lab, connection was established. 

But now they are not connecting wirelessly in the field.


Once the GW address is removed from the NRB, the NRB sets a wireless connection across to the RB.


A couple of options for solutions:

1). Leave the GW address in the NRB blank.
2). Break the wired loop (somewhere) from NRB back to the GW.

The idea here is that the NRB looks for the Gateway through the wire and through the wireless
and if it finds the GW through the wire and through the wireless a loop can be created and thus
it shuts down the wireless.

It is recommended to place the Root Bridge where the POP resides (closest to the Internet).

Article Number:

May 03, 2021 04:56 AM (almost 3 years ago)

Configuration, Installation, Troubleshooting, Known Issues and Workarounds, P300


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