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Ruckus Cloud - ZoneFlex AP starting Serial Numbers


Ruckus Cloud WiFi supports ZoneFlex 802.11ac Access Points, but not all ZoneFlex APs support Ruckus Cloud management straight from the factory. The Table included in this article identifies starting Serial Numbers of 802.11ac APs that have firmware allowing Ruckus Cloud management from the factory.


Do we have Serial Numbers for ZoneFlex APs that ship with Ruckus Cloud management capability firmware?

Customer Environment

Customers purchasing Ruckus Access Points and onboarding them to the Ruckus Cloud

Root Cause

Not all ZoneFlex APs support Ruckus Cloud WiFi management, straight from the factory.

Troubleshooting Steps

Determine AP serial number, look up first four digits in the Table below.


ZoneFlex AP Starting Serial Numbers that support Ruckus Cloud Connectivity

Ruckus Cloud supports ZoneFlex 11AC access points as described on this page:

Not all ZoneFlex APs support Ruckus Cloud management, from factory. To determine if the ZoneFlex 11AC APs
you purchased (shipped from our distributor or channel partner), please refer to the table below.

The last column refers to the serial # imprinted on the AP’s back label as well as on the outside shipping box.
All Ruckus AP serial #s start with 4 digits that refer to week# and year# of manufacture.
So an AP with starting serial # of 5016 means, Week50 of 2016.

Note: This table below does NOT apply to current Unleashed APs (SKUs starting with 9U1). Only Unleashed 200.5
and earlier APs checked for Ruckus Cloud management, irrespective of their manufacturing date.

ZoneFlex AP models supported in Cloud, and their starting manufacturing serial #

                    User-added image

- These APs may contain the 104.x.y Solo AP firmware image from factory, which support Ruckus Cloud
discovery and connectivity.  Newer 114.0.y Solo AP firmware is now recommended for Ruckus Cloud AP

- It is possible that a serial # newer than the date above may not connect to Ruckus Cloud successfully.
These could be for various reasons. E.g.
     o The AP has previously connected a Ruckus Controller (ZD or SZ) and so, it’s firmware image has
        been re-flashed by the on-prem controller previously. Factory resetting the AP will not alter the
        firmware image back to Solo AP image. To recover such an AP to connect to Cloud, you would need to
        connect to the AP manually, download the latest 104.x.y / 114.0+ firmware image from Ruckus Support
        site and re-image the AP.

- Above models manufactured before those dates need to be firmware upgraded to version 104.x.y or 110.x.y
(or newer) before connecting to Cloud. Visit Ruckus Support site to download latest image.

- If you currently have a ZoneDirector or SmartZone controller on-site, please disable automatic AP approval
addition option on the controller, prior to connecting a new AP to the Cloud.

- If you intend to migrate existing controller-managed ZoneFlex APs to Cloud, please contact your Ruckus Partner.

Update: R700 AP model is no longer supported on the Ruckus Cloud

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Article Number:

May 10, 2022 02:53 PM (almost 3 years ago)

Answer Attachment 1
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Firmware, Installation, Known Issues and Workarounds, Ruckus Cloud WiFi


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