Accessory Guide incorrectly indicates wrong mounting bracket as suitable for T710 and T710s


An Accessory Guide (version 16-12-A) incorrectly indicated SKU# 902-0182-0003 mounting bracket as suitable for T710 and T710s. The correct mounting bracket should be SKU# 902-0125-0000


Accessory Guide incorrectly indicated wrong mounting bracket as suitable for T710 and T710s

Customer Environment

In some documentation, specifically the Accessories guide (version 16-12-A) published in Oct 2016, the incorrect SKU was identified as being a suitable mounting bracket for use with the T710. The Mounting Guide and Quick start guides did not contain this error. The correct SKU is SKU# 902-0125-0000 The SKU# 902-0182-0003 is produced as a bracket for the T300, T300e, T300s, T300n & P300 series only and is not suitable for the T710 or any other AP not explicitly listed as compatible. The Accessory Guide has beed updated since May 2017 onwards to reflect the correct SKU’s and is available for download here: Customers may have installed T710 APs using SKU# 902-0182-0003 mounting bracket based on compatibility cited in Accessory Guide (version 16-12-A). A later version of the Accessory Guide (May 2017 onwards) correctly removed T710 from the compatibility matrix. The T710 has always shipped with the correct mounting bracket, including a safety cable which should be used in the correct installation of the Access Point as per the Quick Start Guide: The 902-0182-0003 bracket is not designed to bear an impact load when a T710 is mounted.

Root Cause

Errata in the Accessories Guide

Troubleshooting Steps

Risk assessment should be done by looking at installs where the 902-0182-0003 bracket is used for mounting T710. Ruckus recommends installation as per Mounting guides which includes installation of a safety cable. 
There are typically no symptoms seen prior to the time or point of failure as the failure is caused by impact load. In a static load, the bracket can support the APs. But in a dynamic load condition such as an impact or a bird taking off from it, the bracket may break, causing risk of damage of property or a safety hazard.


Workarounds involve the following (in increasing order of scope of work, cost, and acceptance by customer):
-    Install safety cable to the 902-0182-0003 bracket (the safety cable is not supplied with the kit)
-    Replace the 902-0182-0003 bracket with the 902-0125-0000 bracket which includes all required components including safety cable and was shipped with the T710



Replace the 902-0182-0003 bracket with the 902-0125-0000 bracket for T710 installed in the field

Article Number:

May 03, 2021 12:09 AM (almost 4 years ago)

Known Issues and Workarounds, T710


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