Managing Users in RUCKUS AI (formerly known as RUCKUS Analytics)


Article explains how to add internal and 3rdparty users in RUCKUS AI and manage them.


How to add internal and 3rdparty users in RUCKUS AI and manage them?

Customer Environment

RUCKUS AI web interface


A possible error you may get if user is not properly added to Ruckus Analytics.

"You do not have permission to access this application, please request access from your account administrator”.

User-added image
Refer the resolution section under "Add Internal User" for more details for the fix.


You can add registered users, associate them to resource groups, and manage users from the RUCKUS Analytics web interface.
The user must be registered with the system (a valid account on

From the web interface of Ruckus Analytics, go to Admin > Users
  • The Users page displays the number of already added users and additional information such as the user email address, first and last names, role, associated resource group, and user account.
  • If a user onboards the controller, that user can be added as a user to the account. However, the user has restricted administrator permissions. For example, the user can access account details but cannot delete other users from the account.

Add Internal User:

  • This option let you select the already registered users with the same company account, as the one you have logged in with. For example: You work for CompanyA (and logged in by your registered email ID with and adding another user of CompanyA.
  • Resource group:  By selecting a group from the Resource Group menu, you can assign one of the following roles to the user from the Role menu:
Admin: Provides access to all product functionality.
Network Admin: Provides access to all product functionality except administrative operations such as users, resource groups, licenses, support, and onboarded systems.
Report Only: Provides access to manage reports
  • Click Add Internal User..
  • User-added image

 Invite 3rd-Party User.

A third-party user is a user who does not belong to your organization. By inviting a third-party user, you are explicitly granting access to someone outside your organization to the RUCKUS 
Analytics service account. Ensure that you have the necessary authorization to do so. A third-party user or a partner can only access a single resource group as defined by the administrator.
  • This option let you invite any 1st user of any company, which has an account in For example: You work for CompanyA (and logged in with your registered email ID with and adding 1st user of CompanyB or C or etc.
  • First you have to find the user's email ID which is registered with > It will look into the database and find it, if it has any matching email as a registered user.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Company A as the primary account of the VSZ on RA, it requires company B to help operate the VSZ on RA for company A. Company A (admin user) can invite company B user via 3rd party invitation. Company B user (as admin user in Company A) can add more company B users to Company A by doing the 3rd party invitation under account of company A. Please also note that all the 3rd party invitation to any users, the invited user has to be internal user for that company first (referring to "Add internal user".)

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Note: If the Admin role is granted, the third-party user will also be able to invite other users into your account. If this is not desired, you can grant the third-party user a Network Admin or Report Only role. 

As of RA 2.5, the partner can help end user to onboard the SZ, so this SZ will be primary in partner account. The end user will be granted access to RA UI via 3rd party invitation by the partner.

To check who is the first login of the user account:
Under Administration-> External Services-> Ruckus Services-> Ruckus Cloud Services
Please check "Cloud Account:"

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Check list:
  • Make sure invited and inviter users are
    • Already part of their own company account in and set as administrator role.
    • Invited user should already be part of their own company RA account (Existing RA admin of invited company account need to login and see if user is already added as admin on their own company RA account) 
Example: User1 of ABC company wants to invite UserB of XYZ company. To do this, UserB of XYZ should have a valid account in, same user should also have access to their own RA account (XYZ's RA account). An existing RA admin of XYZ RA account can help adding more internal users (UserB of XYZ account, In this case).

Article Number:

July 30, 2024 10:11 AM (8 months ago)

Configuration, System Network Management, Registration, Ruckus Analytics


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