How to Upgrade AP firmware version using locally stored image from PC on standalone AP


How to Upgrade AP firmware version using locally stored image from PC on standalone AP


How to Upgrade AP firmware version using locally stored image from PC on standalone AP

Customer Environment

Customer wishing to upgrade or downgrade an AP firmware image, with code downloaded from Ruckus Support portal to their PC.

Root Cause

Only if your AP is running a standalone version like 10x.x.x.x or 11x.x.x.x it can provide webgui upgrade access.



For the AP's get a 10x.x.x.x firmware or a 110.x.x.x firmware, these have the option to use the WebGUI.
If the AP has this firmware.

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image

If you are not running 10x.x.x.x or 11x.x.x.x firmware and you want to upgrade, then use the FTP method.

Article Number:

April 07, 2021 02:15 AM (over 3 years ago)

Performance, Configuration, Firmware, Installation, Troubleshooting, ZoneFlex Indoor


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