How do I set Country Code for ZoneDirector and the ZoneFlex APs?


Country code on ZoneDirector and APs must match for APs to join ZD.


How do I set Country Code for ZoneDirector and the ZoneFlex APs?

Customer Environment

ZoneDirector and Ruckus APs

Root Cause

Mis-match of ZD and AP country codes, prevent APs from being able to join the ZD.



  • ZoneDirectors ship with no country code settings (they have no radios).
  • As part of the installation wizard, the admin configures the country code for ZoneDirector and the ZoneFlex system
  • Any later configuration change to the country code on ZoneDirector will reboot all APs and will force them to go through the steps below

ZoneFlex APs

  • ZoneFlex APs are shipped in two formats depending on the country being shipped to:
    • With a fixed US country code setting to the US (fixed country code cannot be change by customers – even through factory default)
    • With country code that is selectable to the country outside of the US
  • When an AP tries to join a ZoneDirector the country code is being synchronized as follow:
    • If the country code on the AP matches the one on ZoneDirector then the AP can join the Director
    • If the country code on the AP is not the same as the one on ZoneDirector then the Director will set the country code on the AP
      • If the country code setting was successful the AP will reboot and then join the Director
      • If the AP has a fixed country code already set (e.g. US) then this operation will fail and the AP will not be able to join the Director. This will be logged on ZoneDirector.

Article Number:

April 07, 2021 01:59 AM (about 3 years ago)

Configuration, Installation, Troubleshooting, ZoneDirector, ZoneFlex Indoor, ZoneFlex Outdoor


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