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How long will Ruckus Support EOL products (end of life / end of support)?


This article describes Ruckus End of Life / End of Support Policy


How long will Ruckus Support EOL products (end of life / end of support)?

Customer Environment

All Ruckus environments


Product End of Life

At some point, all companies choose to discontinue products and Ruckus is no exception. When this happens, Ruckus will advise you of the discontinuance and present you with options for continuing service. The End of Life process is described below:
  • Ruckus will make a public announcement when a product End of Life is planned.
  • Ruckus will continue to sell the product for an additional six months to allow Customers to make a last purchase of that specific product. Ruckus will publish an End of Sale notice at that time.
  • Ruckus will continue to ship the product for an additional six months after End of Sale.
  • The last hardware repair/replace and support for advanced hardware replacement date for discontinued products is 5 years after the End of Sale date.
  • The EOL products are listed at: 
  • EOL products are also described in the release notes of the SW of which the product is being phased out of
Is it the same for the software components?

Software by nature is different; consequently, software End of Life is handled differently.  Please review the points below:
  • S/W products are supported for up to twelve months following their initial release or two subsequent releases of such software, whichever occurs first.
  • At this point, the S/W is considered to have reached its End of Development (EOD) date and may no longer be actively supported by Ruckus.
  • Update releases will no longer be created for major software releases that have reached the EOD milestone.
  • Ruckus Support will continue to offer assistance on a limited basis after EOD.
  • At this point the S/W has reached its end of life/support (EOL/EOS) date.
  • After a software release reaches EOL/EOS date, Ruckus will provide support only on a best effort basis.
  • If a solution cannot be found for the existing S/W that has reached EOD date, Ruckus will require that the system be updated with a more recent software version. There may be an additional charge for the new S/W.
End of Life Policy document:

Article Number:

July 16, 2024 02:08 PM (8 months ago)

Firmware, Support License Activation, Registration, All


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