Official path for purchasing licenses in package on ZoneDirectors


Article has got information about license packages that can be purchased on ZoneDirectors.


Is there any official path for purchasing licenses in package on ZoneDirectors?

Customer Environment

ZoneDirector managed network


Contact Ruckus Support for any other queries.


ZD1100: The minimum number of licenses that the ZD1100 can have is 5 and the maximum is 50.

The LKU upgrade for ZD1100 is: 

6 ==>12 ==> 25 ==> 50

ZD1200: The minimum number of licenses that the ZD1200 can have is 5 and can go up to either 75 or 150, depending on the firmware version running on the ZoneDirector

  • If the ZD1200 is running below version 10.0, the maximum count that it can have is 75 AP licenses and anything above version 10.0 is 150

  • ZD1200 does not have a upgrade license package to follow, the customers can choose their numbers depending on the requirement

ZD1200 follows single AP license upgrade multiplied by the number of licenses required. The LKU  upgrade path for ZD1200 is:

1 ==> 2 ==> 3 ==> 4 ........==> 75/150


ZD3000: The minimum number of licenses that the ZD3000 can have is 25 and the maximum is 500.

The LKU upgrade for ZD3000 is:

25 ==> 50 ==> 100 ==> 150 ==> 200..... ==> 400 ==> 450 ==> 500

Note: Increments of 50 from 50 to 450.

ZD5000: The minimum number of licenses that the ZD5000 can have is 100 and the maximum is 1000.

The LKU upgrade for ZD ZD5000 is:

100 ==> 150 ==> 200 ==> 250 ......... ==> 900 ==> 950 ==> 1000

Note: Increments of 50 from 100 to 1000.

Article Number:

September 12, 2024 04:14 AM (5 months ago)

Support License Activation, ZoneDirector


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