Administrative Log-in wont take default or known good username and password


Ruckus is aware of an issue that has been identified where the administrative log into a Ruckus unit doesn’t accept a known good userid and password or a Factory defaulted userid and password .


Why can't I log-into my factory defaulted Ruckus AP or ZD

Customer Environment

Anytime you are using the Administrative login for an Access Point or Zone Director.

Root Cause

Browser cache keeping old data and not passing login info to controller for access.


Clearing the browser cache resolves the issue.


How to clear the Cache on the IE browser.
Click on the “Tools” tab on the top of the window. Click on “Internet options”.
The Internet options window will appear, select the first tab “General”. The second item down is marked “Browsing history”. Make sure that the “Delete browsing history on exit” button isn’t selected unless you want to clear the history as well. Click on the “delete” button. A new window named “Delete browsing history” will appear, check the box named “Temporary internet files” as well as the box named “Cookies”. Click on the “Delete” button on the bottom of the page to complete the action.
How to clear the cache on the Firefox browser.
Click on the “Tools” tab on the top of the page then click on “Options” below.
The new options window will open. Click on the “Advanced” icon on the top far right.
Click on the “Network” tab
The second bracket down is titled “Cached Web Content” Click on the button marked “ Clear now” and then click on “OK” on the bottom of the page to complete the task.
How to clear the Cache on the Chrome browser.
Click on the “Customize and control Google Chrome” button on the top far right corner of the window.
Click on “tools” then “clear browsing data”. A new “Clear browsing data” window will open.
The next line down has a pull down menu “Obliterate the following items from” select t “from the beginning of time”. Next select “empty the cache” and “delete cookies and other site and plug-in data” to complete the action click on the “clear browsing data” button on the bottom of the page.

Article Number:

August 10, 2020 01:45 AM (almost 4 years ago)

Configuration, Installation, Troubleshooting, Known Issues and Workarounds, ZoneDirector, ZoneFlex Indoor, ZoneFlex Outdoor


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