License Pooling from 9.9 version on ZoneDirectors


Article provides information about license pooling feature which is enabled from 9.9 release


What is License Pooling?

Customer Environment

Zone Director =>9.9 version


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License pooling on the ZoneDirectors is enabled from 9.9 version. The concept of this is to enable the pooling between ZoneDirectors in Smart Redundancy mode.

If two Smart Redundancy ZoneDirectors have different license levels (number of licensed APs), the total number of licenses is displayed in the Smart Redundancy dashboard widget, in the License Pool entry.

When one device is disconnected, the remaining active ZD will continue to use the previous total license pool and start a 60-day timer.

When the timer expires, the ZoneDirector will use its own license number (the license pool is reduced to the number of APs licensed for the currently active device only) until its Smart Redundancy peer comes back online.

If a third ZoneDirector connects, the license pool will reflect the new total license pool, if the sum of the two licenses is higher than the original pair.

If the sum is less than the previous license pool (within the 60-day timer), the user will be prompted to choose, whether the license pool should be derived from the active + original disconnected device, OR from the currently active + current standby device.

License pool cannot exceed the maximum AP license limit that the model can support.

On the 61st day, if Smart Redundancy pool capacity becomes lower, APs will be disconnected in LIFO manner to match total pool license capacity.

ZoneDirectors with temporary licenses cannot be configured as part of a Smart Redundancy pair.

  • Total available AP license when in SR is 150

ZD2 - ZD3000 with 50 AP Licenses
ZD1 - ZD3000 with 100 AP license

ZD1 goes down, ZD2 can still manage 150 for 60 days. (Note the 60 day count down is not related to date/time. Internal timer on ZoneDirector manages this)

  • On the 61st day, if ZD1 is not replaced with 100 APs, ZD2 can only manage 50 APs

  • In order for smart redundancy to work, both controllers,

    • Must be of the same series (example - both controllers must be the 1100, 3000, 5000, 1200 series)

    • Smart redundancy box must be checked on both controllers

    • Each controller must have the IP address of the other controller

    • Must be on the same network

  • When SR is disabled ZD will use its own license that was installed prior to enabling SR

Article Number:

January 26, 2019 07:51 PM (about 5 years ago)

Performance, Configuration, Installation, System Network Management, Troubleshooting, ZoneDirector 1100, ZoneDirector 3000, ZoneDirector 5000, ZoneDirector 1200


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