FM installation error


Getting error of mysql//data/flexmaster.err folder doesn't exist. The installation does not proceed after getting various of these error messages.


Why can't I install FM 9.12.1 with RHL 7.1?

Customer Environment

RHL7.1 allocated resources = 160G HD, 8G RAM, 4 virtual core processors

Root Cause

Unsupported RHL SW

Troubleshooting Steps

This is the installation sequence, notice the error message at the bottom of the log:

[root@flexmaster dvd]# ls
3rdparty  conf  firmware  support_files
[root@flexmaster dvd]# cd firmware/
[root@flexmaster firmware]# l
-bash: l: no se encontró la orden
[root@flexmaster firmware]# ls
[root@flexmaster firmware]# cd.
-bash: cd.: no se encontró la orden
[root@flexmaster firmware]# cd..
-bash: cd..: no se encontró la orden
[root@flexmaster firmware]#  cd .
[root@flexmaster firmware]# pwd
[root@flexmaster firmware]# cd ..
[root@flexmaster dvd]# pwd
[root@flexmaster dvd]# ls
3rdparty  conf  firmware  support_files
[root@flexmaster dvd]# cleaR
-bash: cleaR: no se encontró la orden
[root@flexmaster dvd]# clear
[root@flexmaster dvd]# ./

Your system time and timezone is:Thu, 22 Oct 2015 15:23:50 -0600.
yes?(Put yes to continue or programm will be terminated!):yes
choose yes

Do you want to use the special logo?
yes or no?no
choose no, FlexMaster will use Ruckus logo!
PERL checking result: Ok
UNZIP checking result: Ok
libaio checking result: Ok

Testing network connection for 'localhost'
Result: Ok

The hostname of this machine is 'flexmaster'

Testing network connection for flexmaster
Result: Ok

Testing network connection for ''
Result: Ok

Please enter the directory where Flexmaster should be installed.
Location[/opt/FlexMaster]: /home/FlexMaster
Script iniciado; el fichero es /home/FlexMaster/install.tmp

Starting FlexMaster installation...

Please enter a domain name for your FlexMaster admin account.
domain name( eg. <your_domain>.com ):

Please enter a password for your FlexMaster admin account.
Password: l1nux@dm1n
Please confirm your password: l1nux@dm1n

Please enter a password for your MySQL root.
Password: l1nux@dm1n
Please confirm your password: l1nux@dm1n

Please enter the HTTPs port number for Tomcat server.
Https port[443]:

Please enter the following information for SMTP settings.
You will have the option to change this setting from the Administer-->System Settings menu after installation.
SMTP host:
SMTP port[25]:
Mail to:

Please note that all devices that wish to register with Flexmaster will be automatically approved.
You will have the option to change this setting from the Inventory-->Device Registration menu after installation.

Press <Enter key> to continue...

The installation process is starting, please wait...
chmod: cambiando los permisos de «/media/dvd/support_files/tac_client»: Sistema de ficheros de sólo lectura
Making a new directory[/home/FlexMaster/3rdparty/jre] for Java Runtime Environment...

Copying required executable files...

Starting MySQL server...

Linux version [x86_64]

JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms672m -Xmn588m -Xmx1569m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xss2m
Starting MySQL server.

151022 21:27:49 mysqld_safe Logging to '/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err'.
touch: no se puede efectuar `touch' sobre «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
chmod: no se puede acceder a «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
touch: no se puede efectuar `touch' sobre «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
chown: no se puede acceder a «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
151022 21:27:49 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
bin/mysqld_safe: línea 129: /usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err: No existe el fichero o el directorio
bin/mysqld_safe: línea 166: /usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err: No existe el fichero o el directorio
touch: no se puede efectuar `touch' sobre «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
chown: no se puede acceder a «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
chmod: no se puede acceder a «/usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err»: No existe el fichero o el directorio
151022 21:27:49 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /usr/local/mysql/data/ ended
bin/mysqld_safe: línea 129: /usr/local/mysql/data/flexmaster.err: No existe el fichero o el directorio
 /mysql_install_db line 42.




FM 9.12.1, and previous versions of FM, does not support RHL7.1.
FM is support on these OS:
  RedHat Enterprise 5.5(64 bit) or RedHat Enterprise 6.5(64 bit).
  CentOS release 6.3 (64 bit) or CentOS release 6.5(64 bit).

Article Number:

October 23, 2015 10:13 AM (about 9 years ago)

Installation, FlexMaster


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not helpful

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