Adding a temporary license to a ZD in SR mode


If two controllers are in SR mode, the question is whether we can add a temp license to active ZD.


Can we add a temp license to ZD while in SR mode?

Customer Environment

ZD in SR setup

Root Cause

By design, It's not allowed to add a temp license while a ZD is in SR mode


Contact Ruckus Customer Support in case if you need more clarification


Adding a Temporary License to a ZD in Smart Redundancy Mode

When working with ZD (ZoneDirector) devices, you might encounter scenarios where you need to add temporary licenses. However, it's important to note that there are specific constraints and procedures for incorporating temporary licenses, especially when dealing with Smart Redundancy (SR) mode.

Constraints for Temporary Licenses in Smart Redundancy

  1. Temporary Licenses and SR Mode:

    • Temporary licenses cannot be used with ZD devices in Smart Redundancy (SR) mode. Smart Redundancy requires permanent licenses to ensure full operational stability and reliability.
  2. Import Restrictions:

    • Importing a temporary license into a ZD device that is configured for Smart Redundancy is forbidden. Temporary licenses are not compatible with the SR environment.
    • User-added image

Steps to Add Permanent Licenses

To use a ZD device in Smart Redundancy mode, follow these steps:

  1. Factory Reset the ZD Device:

    • Perform a factory reset on the ZD device to clear all existing configurations and temporary licenses. This step ensures a clean slate for the installation of permanent licenses.
    • User-added image
  2. Install Permanent Licenses:

    • After resetting the ZD device, proceed to install the permanent licenses. Ensure that these licenses are compatible with Smart Redundancy mode to avoid any configuration issues.
  3. Enable Smart Redundancy:

    • Once the permanent licenses are installed and validated, you can enable Smart Redundancy mode on the ZD device.

Article Number:

August 01, 2024 12:40 PM (7 months ago)

Performance, Configuration, System Network Management, Support License Activation, ZoneDirector


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