FlexMaster Licenses


This article describes the steps to download and upload FlexMaster licenses.


How to download and upload FlexMaster Licenses? Can I get a temporary license for my FlexMaster system?

Customer Environment

FlexMaster customer.

Root Cause

New FM customers need to know how to inbstall licenses.

Troubleshooting Steps

Please check for license count on the installed software. Here's how you do it.

User-added image
  1. Click on Administer
  2. Click on License

If the 100 AP license are installed, the Customer will be able to view "Total Licenses Purchased: 100"

If these licenses are not installed, then the count will be 0 (zero).


For any other concerns, please contact Ruckus Customer Support.


If it's a First time installation, kindly click here to download the FlexMaster Software from Support Portal.
  1.     Save the file
  2.     Install the Software
  3.     Log into FlexMaster
  4.     Navigate to Administer -> License -> Browse file and upload
  5.     Once the license file is uploaded on to the FlexMaster, you can see all the purchased licenses on the FlexMaster.

Software and Licenses can also be sent via Bitstream URL Link. Here is an example of how the URL Link and access code are sent to you via email
FILE: 901-0025-FME0_SN123456789012.iso 661221376 Kb
AccessCode: 665b5871fe0028e5ac8b6eacd
Link Expires: 05-06-2014(MM-DD-YYYY)

If you have received the email with the Bitstream URL Link, please follow these steps to install your software and licenses.
  1.     Please click on the link  - https://bitstream.ruckuswireless.com
  2.     Enter the access code from your email to download the Software
  3.     Install the FlexMaster Software
  4.     Go to Administer Menu (on the top)
  5.     Then go to licenses (this menu is on the left)
  6.     On the top of the screen you will see “Total Licenses purchased. For example, if you requested 25 AP licenses, the screen should read 25.

If the license count is 0, then follow the steps below.

Note: You need to have active support contracts prior to following the steps below.
  1. Login to the support site
  2. Go to Downloads
  3. Choose a product
  4. Type FlexMaster
  5. Click on FlexMaster Latest Software Version
  6. Click on Download Software
  7. This ISO file has the software and  the default 100 AP licenses.
The software contains both the software and license file included. Please install the ISO file and it is okay to re-install the software. The software will be over written and you will have 100 licenses.

Here is the link to download the FlexMaster software and licenses.

If the Bitstream URL Link has expired, if you are unable to download FlexMaster licenses and/or your access code has expired. Please open a case by contacting Ruckus Customer Support and provide the following details -

How many licenses are you expecting
Product SN# (if you have it)
Part# (starts with 901)
Distributor's Purchase Order #
Date of purchase

Article Number:

August 01, 2024 01:10 PM (7 months ago)

Firmware, Installation, Known Issues and Workarounds, Support License Activation, FlexMaster UMM


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