Steps to activate support contract for Unleashed Access Points
Shows step by step method on activating Support contract for Unleashed Access Points.Question
How to activate support for Unleashed Access Points?Customer Environment
All Unleashed CustomersWorkaround
If the error Asset product class does not match the purchased item appears during unleashed support activation, please contact Ruckus SupportResolution
1. Log in to Ruckus Support Portal
2. Click on the "SUP-xxxxxxx-AAA-BBB-CCC" code which you have received from Ruckus/Disti/VAR in the SPA email (or) Go back to Ruckus support portal, click on "Activate Purchase tab" on the home page, paste the activation code and click on "Validate"
3. Accept the terms and conditions and click on Activate Purchase
4. Once the terms and conditions are accepted, it takes you to the activation Detail page (you can see the Quantity Activated and and To Be Activated)
5. Click on the Hyper link below the product code. Example - 806-RU35-3000
6. Enter the Serial number of the device against the support you have purchased and click on Validate Serial Number.
Note: Please Activate the support for one serial number at a time, once you complete the activation follow the steps again to activate support on another serial number.
Attachment 1
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Article Number:
August 22, 2024 08:33 AM (4 months ago)
Answer Attachment 1
Unleashed Support activation.JPG
(188 KB)
Known Issues and Workarounds, Support License Activation, Registration, Unleashed
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