Connecting to Island / Isolated Ruckus Cloud AP


A Cloud AP that is not connected to the Ruckus Cloud controller will broadcast an Island / Configure-Me SSID which can be accessed wirelessly.


How do I reconnect to a Cloud AP wirelessly that doesn’t have connection to a Ruckus Cloud controller?

Customer Environment

17.01a SW w APs disconnected from the cloud

Root Cause

APs are unreachable from the cloud controller due to the following reasons: Cloud APs have no connection to the internet. Cloud APs have no connection to the cloud-controller. Cloud APs have their cloud AP licenses expired

Troubleshooting Steps

Troubleshooting Steps: Refer KBA-7992 to check Firewall/FQDN whitelist entries.
  • Any Cloud AP which already provisioned by the Cloud, can service clients even during loss of connectivity to Cloud.
  • If it is the first time the AP is trying to connect with the Cloud, then WAN connection, Firewall ports open and FQDN whitelist are absolutely required to complete the Cloud Discovery process. Ensure the correct FW version (ZoneFlex Solo AP image) is flashed on the AP.
  • A reset-reboot action will restart the Cloud discovery process.




The cloud AP will start broadcasting, after 30 minutes of no connection to the cloud controller, a Configure-Me SSID. 
The name of the WLAN will be as such:  Configure.Me-yyyyyy, where yyyyyy are the last 6 digits of the AP mac address.

Make sure your computer connects to the WLAN and that prior to connecting that your computer is set for DHCP
or dynamic IP address acquisition.  However, if you will like to statically assign an IP address to your wireless interface,
make sure that it’s in the same network as the AP.  The AP new IP address will be 

Once you connect to the Configure.Me-yyyyyy SSID, you can access the AP with the IP address = or
with the URL.

The username and password will be, username = super, password = sp-admin

Related Articles

KBA-7992: Whitelisting Ruckus Cloud Controller IP for AP connectivity

Article Number:

March 25, 2021 03:45 PM (about 3 years ago)

System Network Management, Troubleshooting, Known Issues and Workarounds, Ruckus Cloud WiFi


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