What are the licenses available for Ruckus ICX 7250 switch?


The licenses available for ICX 7250 switch


What are the licenses available for Ruckus ICX 7250 switch?

Customer Environment

Customers using Ruckus ICX 7250 switches


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Ruckus ICX 7250 device supports the use of FastIron license feature or feature sets.
The following feature licenses are available for the ICX 7250 device:

  • Premium Layer 3 (non-node locked license) - Activation of ICX 7250 PREM License Article 000008579

  • Ports on Demand (PoD) license - Activation of ICX 7250 POD Licenses Article 000008580

    ICX 7250 License Types

Q. Why is ICX 7250 PREM referred to as a Non-Node Locked license?

A. The  ICX 7250 PREM license activation code starts with DVX (eg DVX-11111111-ABC-BCA-EYZ). When this code is activated, the process does not require a switch serial number. Once the activation is completed, the license code gets mapped to the End-user account under which the order was activated. On the support portal, we see this as "Bound To Unique Numeric ID" 


Above screenshot 1 Illustrates 
A. The ICX 7250 PREM license activation code sample 
B. The code is bound to unique account numeric ID 
C. The button on top-right to download the XML file 

A non-node locked license can be moved from one device and redeployed to another device within the same product platform. The non-node locked license is not specific to a device, unlike a node-locked license (eg ICX 7250 POD license) for which the serial number is associated with the license code. 

You can now enable non-node locked licensed features prior to purchasing the license (from version 08.0.8). The licenses are fulfilled directly, without the need for an Activation Code and activation process, which dramatically simplifies the deployment process.

NOTE: Installation of the same non-node locked license on multiple units is prohibited.

Q. How can we install/enable PREM license on ICX 7250?

A. Installation of ICX 7250 PREM License by .xml File (for 08.0.7 and lower). Enable ICX 7250 PREM license via SAU (for 08.0.8 and above.

Q. Where can I download the ICX 7250 PREM License? 

A. If the ICX 7250 switch is on a firmware 08.0.7 or lower, an XML file is required to enable the PREM feature. As soon as the PREM license code, a blue button appears on the top right side of the page to download the XML file. The activated licenses are also available under Download License link in the Ruckus Support portal homepage.

Q. What is a Certificate of Entitlement?

The license Certificate of Entitlement (CoE) is a proof of purchase that includes a description of the license, the Ruckus part number, and the license serial number. From version 08.0.8 and above, a license file(XML) is not required to enable the purchased license feature. The CoE is proof/ authorization for the customer to use a purchased license feature.

Below is the screenshot of 'how the COE looks like'

CoE Format

Q. What is a Node-Locked license?

A. Licenses like 2x10G POD and 8x10G POD for ICX 7250 are examples for Node-Locked licenses. These licenses requires the SN pf switch during the activation process. The licenses that get generated are mapped to the specific serial number. The license file generated for these cannot be used to enable POD on any other device.

The activation codes for 2x10G POD start with DVV and for 8x10G POD start with DVW

ICX 7250 POD license

Above screenshot illustrates
A. The ICX 7250 POD license activation code sample 
B. The code is bound to an ICX 7250 switch serial number
C. The button on top-right to download the XML file 

Q. How can we install/enable PoD license on ICX 7250?

A. Installation of ICX 7250 POD License by .xml File (for 08.0.7 and lower). Enable ICX 7250 POD license via SAU (for 08.0.8 and above)
NOTE: The base 2x10G POD license has to be active/installed for the switch, only then can the 8x10G license feature be installed/enabled.

Q. Where can I download the ICX 7250 POD License? 

A. If the ICX 7250 switch is on a firmware 08.0.7 or lower, an XML file is required to enable the POD feature. As soon as the POD license code, a blue button appears on the top right side of the page to download the XML file. The activated licenses are also available in your support portal under Download License link in the Homepage. As the ICX 7250 POD licenses are serial number specific, you can use the link: https://support.ruckuswireless.com/asset/xxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxx to be replaced with the switch serial number) to get to the SN

ICX 7250 Asset

Article Number:

March 02, 2020 10:12 AM (about 5 years ago)

Configuration, Firmware, Knowledge Base, Downloads, Support License Activation, Registration, ICX 7250


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