12037 and 12038 error message on ZonePlanner


The article describes about the various error messages which the customer sees on ZonePlanner


What are 12037and 12038 error message on ZonePlanner?

Customer Environment

ZonePlanner setup


In case of any further queries, please contact Ruckus Support team.


When attempting to download a license for an AirMagnet product through the in-product licensing screens, and if you receive any one of the below error messages,
  • Error 12037 - SSL certificate date that was received from the server is bad. The certificate is expired. OR

  • Error 12038 - The Host name in the certificate is invalid or does not match. OR

  • Failed to download license from license server. Please check your network connection. if operating from inside a firewall, you may need to set proxy settings and try again.

Please do follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Perform a MAC Address Reset in My AirMagnet to an Ethernet adapter or wlan adapter

  2. Download the license through My AirMagnet portal

  3. Copy the license into the appropriate installation folder for the specific AirMagnet product, overwriting any existing license

Please be sure that the product version number matches the license version number??.

Article Number:

October 30, 2019 04:54 AM (over 4 years ago)

Installation, Known Issues and Workarounds, ZonePlanner


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