Invite VAR / 3rd Party Administrator on the Ruckus Cloud


The article has got step by step instructions to invite the partner as 3rd Party Administrator on the Ruckus Cloud portal


How can I invite my VAR as 3rd Party Administrator on the Ruckus Cloud?

Customer Environment

Ruckus Cloud end customer inviting the partner to manage their Cloud account


Any difficulties in adding your partner as 3rd Party Administrator? Please do contact Ruckus Support team.


If you are the end user and if you want your Ruckus Cloud to be managed by your Partner OR If you want a 3rd party administrator to manage your Ruckus Cloud account for you, you can send an invitation to your Partner from the Cloud UI.

Before starting this procedure, you must know the email address of your authorized Ruckus Partner administrator that you want to invite. If you do not have this information, please get in touch with your Partner.

Follow the below steps to invite your partner as 3rd Party Administrator:
  1. Login to Ruckus Cloud Portal 

  2. On the Home Page, click on Administration

  3. Click the Administrators tab. The Administrators page appears and displays a list of local administrators and 3rd Party administrators (Ruckus Partners) whom you have authorized to manage your account

  4. Scroll down to the 3rd Party Administrators section, and then click on Invite 3rd Party Administration. The Invite 3rd Party Administration screen appears

  5. Enter your partner's email address

  6. Click on OK
    Ruckus Cloud checks its support account database for the email address that you entered.

    >> If it finds an authorized Ruckus partner who is registered using the email address you entered, it sends the invitation to the partner. After the Ruckus partner accepts your invitation, the partner will have administrative access to your Ruckus Cloud account. You will also receive a notification from Ruckus Cloud when the partner accepts your invitation. If the Ruckus partner does not have Ruckus Cloud account, a Prime Admin account is created using the entered email address to allow the invitation process to continue

    >> If it does not find a Ruckus partner that is registered using the email address you entered, it displays an error message. Verify the if the entered email address is correct, and then try again.

  7. You have completed inviting a 3rd party administrator to manage your Ruckus Cloud account

Article Number:

April 25, 2021 12:56 PM (almost 3 years ago)

System Network Management, Website Access, Website Services, Ruckus Cloud LTE, Ruckus Cloud WiFi


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