What is Closed No Contact status on a case ?
The article explains the case status "Closed No Contact"Question
What is Closed No Contact status on a case ?Customer Environment
All Ruckus CustomersSymptoms
The status “Closed No Contact” refers to the case, that has been marked closed due to no response from the customer via Phone, E-mail for a period of 3 Follow upsResolution
If you would like to re-open the case, you can do so within the 24 hours from the time the case is closed, by contacting Ruckus Support.After the 24 hours, you can by mentioning the closed case number for the reference, to help us understand the issue and assist efficiently.
While creating a new Open a New Case, please provide us the below information:
- Serial Number of the RUCKUS product (Also the controller's serial number if the AP is connected to a controller) or the Login ID if the issue is related to RUCKUS One
- Firmware Version with build
- Phone Number
- Preferred mode of contact
- Business E-mail Address
- Best time to contact with the Time Zone
Article Number:
July 10, 2024 04:59 PM (8 months ago)
Case Management, Ruckus Support Services
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