Changing timezone on SCI System wide
SCI by default expects the VM to keep UTC timezone. One of our BullDog customers wanted to change the timezone on the SCI to receive the reports in his local timezone.Question
Can we change the timezone on the SCI system wide to receive the reports in local timezone?Customer Environment
Customer has a 2 vSZ-H in a cluster, around 200 APs and one SCI instance,Root Cause
Its actually feature design as engg team doesn't recommend to change the timezone on SCI for better performance.Resolution
According to the SCI installation guide, we don't recommend changing the timezone of SCI from UTC to any local timezone.Please do not change the timezone on the SCI VMs. SCI expects the VM to keep UTC time. Changing to a timezone other than UTC on the SCI VM can cause SCI to stop working.
As an analytics system, SCI must make sure that all its statistics are reported with the correct time. Therefore, you must ensure that NTP servers are reachable by all elements of the ecosystem: APs, SZ's, ZoneDirectors, and SCI.
Since customer wanted to receive the reports in his local timezone, we suggested him to use Data Explorer, create any reports in network or airtime utilization cubes, set the local timezone and then schedule reports (Check below screenshot from my lab SCI setup). We should then receive the reports in local timezone.
Article Number:
March 26, 2020 01:34 AM (almost 5 years ago)
Performance, Configuration, Installation, Known Issues and Workarounds, SmartCell Insight
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