How to link access points with RUCKUS-AI (formerly known as RUCKUS Analytics) AP license pool?


This article explains how to link APs with RUCKUS-AI AP license pool.


How to link access points with RUCKUS-AI AP license pool?

Customer Environment

Customer already onboarded the v/SZ to their RUCKUS-AI account and has RUCKUS AI AP licenses available.


Visit your RUCKUS-AI account from (previously and follow below steps.

1. Login with your credentials.
2. Go to Admin >> Licenses >> Choose the license pool available and click on pencil icon.

User-added image

3. Under Explore network, by choosing any main or or sub option will show you corresponding APs under it, in right side pan for AP selection. Below options are available

  • Expand "Network" by clicking '+' sign and you will see list of onboarded v/SZ (in below screenshot there is only one v/SZ onboarded and vSZ system name is "ruckus"). Choosing any main or sub option will show

  • Click on '+' sign again to see zones under a specific controller ('Zone-1' is the zone name in given example)

  • By expanding a Zone you can see all the AP groups under it (if no additional groups are configured then you will only see 'default' group).

4. Depending upon your selection under 'Explore Network' you can choose APs from right side pan and hit on 'Save' to link selected APs with available license pool.  

User-added image

5. AP mapping with RUCKUS AI AP license completed! Wait for 30 minutes to 2 hours to see Analytical information from newly linked APs.

Several points to note:

Scenario: The user selected Zone 1 and hit Save. This action assigns a license to every AP currently in Zone 1.

  • If an AP is moved from Zone 1 to Zone 2, the license will move with the AP, i.e. it will still an licensed AP under Zone 2. 

  • If the user adds more APs to Zone 1, they don't automatically get assigned licenses. The user has to come into the RUCKUS AI licensing UI again and select the new APs so they are assigned licenses.

  • If an AP is removed from the SZ, the license for that AP is still attached. Since we no longer get configuration data for that AP, we will list that AP under "Others", and the user will have to unselect that AP from the licenses so free up that license.

  • If an SZ has licensed APs, and the SZ is offboarded, the licenses are still attached. When the SZ is re-onboarded, the APs are automatically added to the APFilterList sent to the SZ. Hence, when the user offboards an SZ, if the user wants to detach the licenses for the APs on that SZ, the user must do it in the RUCKUS AI UI prior to offboarding the SZ.

    • If the user realizes this after offboarding the SZ, the user can still detach the licenses for the APs of the SZ. The APs will be listed in the "Other" category, since we no longer have configuration information for these APs.

We have also a video which explains the onboarding and AP license mapping. You can access the same from here.

Article Number:

October 09, 2023 11:29 AM (about 1 year ago)

Configuration, Ruckus Analytics


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