CP - Cloudpath error in accessing DPSK pool


CP - Cloudpath error in accessing DPSK pool

Customer Environment

Cloudpath Enrollment System with DPSK pool configuration.

Root Cause

This document is helpful in identifying issue with DPSK pool where DPSK pool isn't visible from the CP GUI due to DPSK corruption issue.


DPSK pool will not be visible from GUI and will give error (An exception occurred).


NOTE: It will not stop the functionality/authentication from the Pool.

Troubleshooting Steps

Cloudpath CP - Cloudpath error in accessing DPSK pool

>>>Select DPSK Pool from the Configuration Tab.

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>>>Select affected DPSK Pool from the list.

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>>>Select  DPSK from the DPSK Pool.

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>>>Error as below.

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Access the DPSK using the API

Reference API Guide

Step 1: Collect token ID first.

Request Type: POST

"userName": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
e.g.  API Call
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Step 2: API Call for checking DPSK
Request Type: GET
{GUID} : Modify Guid from DPSK Pool as below
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use token value from Step 1 under Headers

Authorization : tokenvalue

e.g.  API Call

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IMPORTANT: Collect the output DPSK information and save the data, now you will need to look into the DPSK data to find out if any of the DPSK is corrupted.
Step3: How to identify Corrupt DPSK 

>>>The DPSK data will not show full information of the DPSK, any value might be wrong inside it, incorrect data or missing data, like : status, expiration date, deviceCount etc for a single or multiple DPSK.
e.g. Corrupt DPSK as below
{"guid":"AccountDpsk-b8e9b0da-59cb-47df-9863-d95f8sdjfdkja","name":"Corrupt DPSK ","passphrase":"********","status":"ACTIVE","ssidList":[],"useDeviceCountLimit":true,"deviceCountLimit":75,"deviceCount":0,

Step 4: Delete the DPSK from the pool using DELETE API, if the corrupt DPSK is identified.

Request Type: DELETE
{GUID} : Same as Step 2.
{DPSKGUID} :AccountDpsk-b8e9b0da-59cb-47df-9863-d95f8sdjfdkja of the corrupted DPSK as above.
e.g.  API Call
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Once Corrupted DPSK data is deleted from the DPSK pool, all DPSK information will be visible from the GUI.


NOTE: The cause of the DPSK corruption was un-identified from the Cloudpath logs, so for now we are using this as a workaround.

Article Number:

September 07, 2022 02:06 AM (over 2 years ago)

Troubleshooting, Known Issues and Workarounds, Cloudpath


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