RUCKUS Unleashed Mobile App
Product Detail
In general Unleashed is simple to deploy and manage. With the addition of Ruckus Unleashed Mobile App (UMA), installation of Unleashed is simplified even further, allowing common WiFi management tasks such as creating a WLAN, changing AP name, upgrading software, etc. This Application is available for both Android and iOS platform users.
- Model Name:
- Product Family:
- Mobile Apps and Accessories
- Recommended Software:
SZ API - apmodel - commonAttribute
What is the purpose of the API call - AP Zone - AP - AP model - common Attributes
Mobile App Not Working (Unleashed)
Steps to follow in case the Mobile App is not working (unleashed)
Unable to login to Cloud Mobile App
Customer was unable to login to Cloud mobile app and gets error : "We are not able to load data for this account. Please try again later."
Converting Ruckus Unleashed AP to Standalone AP
This article explains how to convert an Unleashed AP to ZoneFlex Standalone mode AP.
Unleashed: Configuring DTIM on Unleashed APs
You can use CLI commands on the Master AP to enable Spectralink-Compatibility on Unleashed AP radios, to change default DTIM, BSS-minrate, and RTS/CTS.
ZoneDirectors see Unleashed APs
Unleashed APs will not join ZD or SZ controllers, but ZD's did see the 'pending approval' until version 10.0
Master AP Protection Mode in Unleashed AP
In Unleashed Firmware a new feature is added 'Master AP Protection' as per the Release Notes. It is disabled by default. How to enable it?
Do any Ruckus APs support DHCP/NAT feature?
Ruckus APs can provide DHCP/NAT features in Solo AP, wired Unleashed Master, and SZ 3.5+ zone Access Points.
OKTA RADIUS app support with Ruckus WiFi
Okta radius app do not support WiFi authentication.
Unleashed GW / Master Mode AP maximum Clients = 100 for all model APs?
Unleashed GW/Master Mode AP performs multiple functions, reducing max Client support to 50 or 100 depending upon AP model.
Unleashed AP - auto approval issue on and 200.2 version
Auto approve AP's option under global setting is greyed out in unleashed version and 200.2 version from the web GUI
Accessing the AP on its default IP
Accessing the AP on its default IP
SZ verify RADIUS server applied to WLAN/SSID configuration using API calls
How to determine the actual RADIUS authentication IP assigned to specific WLAN'sSSID for clusters with 1000's of WLAN's/SSID's across 1000's of AP Zones
SMD and mDNS Optimization for Chromecast and AppleTV
How to support large scale Ruckus wireless networks supporting large number of SMD (streaming media devices) such as Chromecast and Apple TV.
Problems Meshing far apart APs, distance
Why doesn't my Mesh AP join the Root AP I want it to?
SPoT APIs (Application Program Interface)
This article mentions location of latest API reference guide for the SPoT product.
SZ APIs with Postman
A small TOI describing how to use Ruckus SZ APIs with Postman
Can APs be painted
Can APs be painted
AP104 Field Advisory
AP104 Field Advisory
Is there a mobile app to manage RUCKUS SmartZone(SZ)
Availability of mobile app support for RUCKUS SmartZone controllers. While administrators seek a dedicated mobile app to manage and control SmartZone devices, currently, no official app... (continued)
AP Image Signing: Unable to upgrade APs running UI (unsigned image) version of firmware to FSI (fully signed) version of firmware
Upgrade to an intermediate version of code before upgrading to the latest fully secure versions of AP code.
IP class specifications for Ruckus APs
IP67 means the unit can be dropped into a body of water up to a meter deep for half an hour, while IP68 guarantees protection in water up to 1.5m deep for the same period of time. Both... (continued)
Can Unleashed APs be managed/seen by SCI, SPoT, FM
Unleashed APs cannot be managed/seen by SCI, SPoT, FM.
How to set Grace period for guest wlan in Unleashed APs
Grace period settings for guest wlan on Unleashed APs
Schedule APs to restart using AP CLI Script
The document provides a step-by-step process for executing a CLI script to reboot all Access Points (APs) within a specified zone. It includes instructions for creating and uploading... (continued)
Change SZ AP credentials via API Call
Change SZ AP login and password using API calls
How to troubleshoot Application performance issues
This article provides guidelines for troubleshooting applications/software specific issues on Ruckus WLAN infrastructure using examples of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and WebEx. It includes... (continued)
Import Batch Provisioning APs
Import Batch Provisioning APs
Export Batch provisioned APs
This article explains both how to batch export provisioned access points and how to create a template to import previous exports
Ipad's not able to authenticate
All the new Ipad's in the network are not able to Authenticate (Onboard)
Details on Rogue AP Detection and Preventions configurable options
This article aims to answer and explain basic customer queries related to configuration options available for Rogue AP Detection and prevention
SNMP ACL on the ZD and APs
SNMP ACL on the ZD and APs
API support for FlexMaster
API Guide is attached.
Standalone AP upgrade via CLI
This article gives you information on how to upgrade the standalone AP via CLI.
FAQ - What is Ruckus Unleashed, Controller-less AP solution for SMBs
Attached is an FAQ (frequently asked question) brochure related to the new Ruckus Unleashed controller-less AP network products.
Homeowner FAQ regarding Unleashed Security Update
Homeowner customers need security update for Unleashed Access Points (APs)
Unleashed Member APs unable to upgrade from Master AP
Master Unleashed AP was upgraded to 200.3 from 200.1 version but it did not upgrade rest of the APs which remained at 200.1 version and got disconnected.
All about NFR Kit
Article has got information about the NFR kit support
AP Registrar or SW Registrar API Failure 401 Unmatched IP.
AP Registrar unable to add/modify/delete entries get 401 error
AP Power Warnings
How to solve an issue related with AP operating in reduced power mode.
Setting up DHCP server on a Ubuntu Linux machine to provide option43 to Ruckus APs
This article walks you through installation of DHCP server and configuring it to provide option43 setting to Ruckus APs. Once the APs retrieve a DHCP IP with option43 string they will... (continued)
Unleashed: Standby Master AP take over time
Unleashed Master/Standby APs exchange heartbeats every 6 seconds, and Standby won't take over unless 1 minute w/o Heartbeat.
Unleashed GW Mode AP maximum WAN bandwidth
Unleashed GW mode 802.11ac Wave2 APs have 200mbps WAN uplink versus Unleashed 802.11ac Wave1 model AP 100mbps GW mode max WAN throughput.
Maximum AP's supported in Unleashed network
Maximum AP's supported in Unleashed network changed after 200.7 and 200.8 versions
How to find Unleashed AP serial number
Steps to find Unleashed AP serial number
What adoption modes are available for Brocade Mobility APs and Mobility controllers?
What adoption modes are available for Brocade Mobility APs and Mobility controllers?
Default IP address for Ruckus devices
Default-IP-address for SZ/SCG, ZD, AP, P300
Connecting to Island / Isolated Ruckus Cloud AP
A Cloud AP that is not connected to the Ruckus Cloud controller will broadcast an Island / Configure-Me SSID which can be accessed wirelessly.
How many number of clients and APs are supported in Unleashed firmware v200.7.x?
This KB has a information about enhancements in unleashed firmware 200.7.x