Insufficient AP support licenses warning message while upgrading SmartZone


The Controller software for the vSCG and the SZ has upgrade enforcement built into the controller software (introduced in release 3.0). During the first 90 days of operation, user is free to upgrade the software that exists on the controller. Once the 90 day window has expired, software upgrades are prohibited unless the controller has a valid support contract.


What Licenses / Support Contracts must be purchased to enable full operation, including the ability to upgrade software for a vSCG or a SZ?

Customer Environment

vSCG (vSZ-H, vSZ-E) or SZ-100 controllers, upgraded to or operating on release 3.0 and higher.

Root Cause

RTU (right-to-use) licenses are required for Virtual SmartZone controller instances, but not for SCG / SZ-100 appliance platforms. Support is required after initial 90 days of use for further firmware upgrades. Details of available licenses / support for SmartZone are outlined below.


Contact Ruckus Support team for any further queries


Customers purchasing a SmartZone platform vSCG (vSZ-H, vSZ-E) or SZ controller, need to know the following licensing information:
In the case of SZ, the customer will receive an actual physical device (already pre-loaded with software), and for a vSCG, the customer will download the software and then spin up a vSCG virtual instance.
A 3.2 SZ comes with a default 1000 AP license for 90 days and 0 licenses after the 90 day period.
A 90 day time window will begin when the controller is first powered on. During this 90 day period the customer is free to upgrade the software on the controller but once the 90 day has expired, software upgrades are prohibited unless a support contract on the controller has been purchased and activated. Appropriate error and warning messages are displayed to indicate status.
For continued operation of vSCG/SZ beyond the 90 day window, the following licenses are required to be activated on the controller:

  1. L09-VSCG-WW00: Virtual SmartZone 3.0 or newer software virtual appliance, 1 Instance, includes 1 AP license. This is the permanent RTUc(Right To Use) for the vSCG

               S01-VSCG-1L00: End User WatchDog Support - vSZ-RTU, 1 YR

    S02-VSCG-1L00: Partner WatchDog Support - vSZ-RTU, 1 YR

  2. If you want to upgrade the vSCG then a controller support contract must be purchased. This will be either:

  3. If you want to operate more than 1 AP then you will have to purchase AP capacity licenses:

               L09-0001-SG00: AP management license for SZ/vSZ 3.X, 1 Ruckus AP access point

  4. Starting from release 3.2 a feature is enabled to indicate whether support for AP capacity licenses have been purchased or not. This will be a simple warning on the controller, with full enforcement occurring in a later release. This effectively means to upgrade your network, it will be required to not only have a controller support contract but support on AP capacity licenses as well. These are separate SKUs.

          S02-0001-1LSG: Partner WatchDog Support Per SZ/vSZ AP, 1 YR
          S01-0001-1LSG: End User WatchDog Support Per SZ/vSZ AP, 1 YR

For continued operation of a SZ beyond its default 90 day period, you will need the following (also applies to the SCG-200 once you have upgraded it to SZ 3.2 or higher): 
  1. If you want to upgrade the SZ then a controller support contract must be purchased. This will be either:

              S02-S104-1000: Partner WatchDog Support for SmartZone 100 with 4 GigE ports, 1 Year
              S01-S104-1000: End User WatchDog Support for SmartZone 100 with 4 GigE ports, 1 Year

  2.  If you want to operate more than 1 AP, then you will have to purchase AP capacity licenses

              L09-0001-SG00: AP management license for SZ/vSZ 3.X, 1 Ruckus AP access point

  3. Starting from release 3.2, a feature is introduced to indicate whether support for AP capacity licenses have been purchased or not. This will be a simple warning in 3.2 with full enforcement occurring in a later release. This effectively means to upgrade your network, it will be required to not only have a controller support contract but support on AP capacity licenses as well. These are separate SKUs.

          S02-0001-1LSG: Partner WatchDog Support Per SZ/vSZ AP, 1 YR
          S01-0001-1LSG: End User WatchDog Support Per SZ/vSZ AP, 1 YR
SmartZone 3.2 introduces AP support licenses into LiMAN, applying to both AP support and vSZ-H, vSZ-E support licenses.
AP Support key bullet points are as follows:

  1. Existing SmartZone networks will continue to operate as-is with no operational impact

  2. These networks can be upgraded to software SZ 3.2

    Any SCG-200 controllers can be upgraded (there is a specific SCG-200 process to follow) but upgrades for vSZ and SZ100 are restricted to Controllers with active Support Contract

  3. Starting with SZ 3.2, a AP support license “Warning Message Feature” is introduced. This is now being introduced for ALL SmartZone Controllers

  4. There is no operational impact and there is no indication of this feature, unless the controller is attempting an upgrade beyond SZ 3.2

  5. The “Warning Message” is shown at upgrade, if the customer does not have sufficient AP support licenses

    User-added image

1. The number of AP support license must be >= 90% of the number of AP license activated under the account

2. Very Important: The AP support licenses are per account and not per controller. Users do not need to assign the        AP support licenses to any device. This is viewed within LiMAN, at an account level. This is presented as soon          as the user goes into the LiMAN portal

a. Whether the customer has sufficient “Has Adequate Smart AP License Support”? - A “check” will indicate        everything is good.
b. The actual number for the Smart AP license count and vSZD AP license count
c. The actual number for Smart AP Support Count and vSZD AP support count

User-added image

3. If the account does not have enough AP support licenses and if the user attempts such an upgrade, beyond SZ        3.2, a “Warning Message” may be displayed at the time of the upgrade. This is the “warning message”. The user      can still proceed to upgrade. The upgrade is planned to be blocked in future releases
4. To “remove” the warning message, please contact your Reseller / Distributor to purchase support on additional           AP licenses

“For more information on this topic—including video tutorials—visit the Ruckus Support How-To Hub at”

Article Number:

July 09, 2024 02:29 PM (9 months ago)

Configuration, Firmware, Installation, Known Issues and Workarounds, Support License Activation, Registration, SmartCell Gateway


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