SNMP Trap not received when specific events triggered on vSZ/SZ environment


Why my SNMP Trap Server is not receiving APDisconnection trap when event triggered however, if I trigger it manually from vSZ/SZ CLI, then it is received on Trap Server?

Customer Environment

Customer using vSZ-E on 3.5.1 firmware with Kiwi syslog server for network monitoring.

Root Cause

Not all the event types are enabled by default to send the SNMP notification when you globally enable the SNMP on system or APZone/APGroup/AP level.

Troubleshooting Steps

1- Go to vSZ >> Events & Alarms >> Events >> Event Management
2- Now find out any AP disconnection log by searching it as "disconnected"
3- Select the specific event "AP disconnected" and click on "Enable" button >> Click on "Enable SNMP Notification".
4- A window will pop up and ask you "Are you sure you want to enable the SNMP notification for selected events?" click Yes.
5- Once you do above, then you will start getting AP disconnection alerts on SNMP Trap server. 

User-added image

Same way you can set the SNMP notification for any kind of Notification/event (by default some are already enabled but not all). 

Note: AP disconnection alert will be generated only after 300 seconds of AP's unreliability. 


Any SNMP Trap can be received by Trap server, once this it is configured from above procedure.

Article Number:

December 25, 2020 09:30 AM (about 4 years ago)

Configuration, System Network Management, virtual SmartCell Gateway, SZ100


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