Understanding DHCP Option 43 Hexadecimal code in Ruckus
Explanation on how to generate the Option 43 Hexadecimal valueQuestion
How do I decode the DHCP Option 43 Hexadecimal value in Ruckus?Customer Environment
SCG200 SZ200 vSZ SZ100Resolution
When we want to use DHCP Option 43, we usually go to this URL and generate the code,https://shimi.net/services/opt43/
But if we want to understand how this code is generated or even more, do the reverse procedure of obtaining the IP addresses, we need to fully understand how this generation is done.
So, the result of the option 43 is "option 43 hex aabb[variable code]" and the syntax would be,
aa = Sub Option Code (this will be 03 or 06) -- > Typically 06 for SmartZone (SCG) APs.
bb = length of the IP address including the “.” characters in Hex. For example = 11 characters the Hex value would be 11, so in Hex is 0B
[variable code] = the IP address of the controller -- > This is the trickiest part, because It translates each decimal digit into ASCII code, including the “.”
- For each number, the ASCII translation is “3” plus the number in decimal
- For the “.” character, the ASCII code is “2e”
option 43 hex 060d3139322e3136382e312e313230
06 -- > Option 6
0d -- > 13 characters
31 --> 1
39 --> 9
32 --> 2
2e --> .
Article Number:
May 06, 2020 04:07 PM (almost 5 years ago)
Configuration, ZoneFlex Outdoor, SmartCell Gateway, SmartCell AP
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