Ruckus SmartZone Release definitions

SmartZone Software Release

One complete SmartZone release includes software for all components in this architecture, such as:

  • Control Plane
  • Data Plane
  • Access Points 

Each one may have its own version number, but all of them are grouped in a single Controller version.

Release Types

The following are the possible SmartZone software releases:

  • Complete base software releases for all components in SZ architecture
    • GA: General Availability release build. Any new complete feature release. In this context, a feature release is a release introducing significant new software features and/or hardware platforms. 
    • GD: General Deployment release build. Latest release from an LT train 
    • MR: Maintenance Release. Software releases published after a release is qualified as LT GD. It would refresh it with additional bug fixes.
  • Partial software releases that can update some individual components: 
    • AP Patch: Separate software file only containing a new version for AP component. It can be uploaded into an SZ cluster to add that new version for this component. Main purposes:
        • New AP model: Patch is introducing a new AP model not supported into that release version yet
        • Bug fix: Patch containing additional software fixes compared to previous official AP version
    • SZ Patch: Separate software file containing some fixes or modifications to Control Plane component. It can be uploaded into an SZ cluster, but it will not modify any release version.
    • DP patch: Separate software file only containing a new version for external Data Plane component. It can be uploaded into an SZ cluster to add that new version for this component.

All these release types are grouped in Release Trains as explained next.

Release Trains

Ruckus SZ software has two release trains:

  1. Long-term (LT) (LT release train will contain the General Deployment (GD) release build)
  2. Short-term (ST)

Long Term Release Train

Long-term release train (LT) will have one or more feature releases, and finally the latest release is qualified as LT GD. At any given time, only the more recent release in the train will have active maintenance. Lifespan for this train is five years after its initial release date or until next new LT/GD release in this LT train. After that period, LT release is deemed End of Maintenance and Ruckus will not provide patches or bug fixes for it. TAC support will be limited to upgrade support ONLY.

LT GD release will not usually contain any new software feature or hardware platform from previous LT feature release, and it will be patched with Maintenance Releases (MR) until EoM of this train. After LT GD is released, the LT releases in this train will move into End of Maintenance. The LT release in this train need to move to LT GD release to get Maintenance Releases (MR) support.

Short Term Release Train

Short term release train (ST) will have only one feature release. It will not have additional feature releases. Its lifespan is one year after initial release. After that period, the release train is deemed End of Maintenance and Ruckus will not provide patches or bug fixes for that release train. TAC support will be limited to upgrade support ONLY.


Although we will attempt to meet these lifespan objectives, the lifespan for Long Term and Short Term releases may be subject to change due to exceptional circumstances

Recommended Releases

Ruckus SZ software currently has two recommended releases depending on what customer is looking for:

  • Stability release: For customers looking for solid reliability but not needing latest hardware/feature support
  • Technology release: For customers looking for latest hardware/features

Each SmartZone product has its own recommended software. 

Abbreviations and Definitions

  • EoM: End of Maintenance. End of Maintenance is the last date where a maintenance release (MR) or patch may be published for that version (except security vulnerabilities). In essence, it is analogous to End of Service on a release train whose life span has expired. The end of release will be noted on customer support site. The recommendation to customers will be not to download such versions of software for any further deployment.
  • Feature release: A release introducing significant new software features and/or hardware platforms. 

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