Technical Documents

RUCKUS WAN Gateway Pack Manager

Pack Manager is a console to manage and monitor multiple RWG nodes from a central location. Using Pack Manager, you can monitor the health of the RWG nodes, push or pull configuration changes to multiple RWGs, provision entire RWG nodes or upgrade the RWG software in the nodes.

2023-06-12 12:59:24 PM
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The RUCKUS WAN Gateway (“RWG”) is a software platform delivering a comprehensive set of critical Enterprise network services such as DNS, DHCP, routing/BGP, policy, firewall, micro segmentation, application performance-based WAN routing, event triggers, automation, orchestration and more. In addition, RWG offers valuable features for service providers such as integrations with billing systems, property management systems, guest loyalty systems, location engine, eDPSK / guest portal, and more.

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