SmartZone 144-Dataplane (SZ144-D)
Product Detail
The SmartZone™ 144 Data Plane appliance (SZ144-D) is a wireless LAN data plane appliance, that comes in physical form factor with four (4) 1Gbps and four (4) 10Gbps ports. Made to work seamlessly with Ruckus SmartZone network controllers (vSZ-E, vSZ-H), the SmartZone Data Plane appliance (SZ144-D) enables secure tunneled WLANs from Ruckus APs while minimizing CAPEX spending and maximizing Wi-Fi deployment flexibility and scale.
SZ144-D appliance benefits businesses that have leaner IT departments with limited virtualization expertise or that wish to further simplify deployments. Operators, ISPs and large enterprises can deploy the SZ144-D in a centralized data center with SmartZone network controllers, or at specific venues in a distributed topology. In addition, organizations have the flexibility to deploy SZ144-D at each of the tenant locations based on their requirements.
The Data Plane appliance brings multiple high value features, such as:
- High performance DHCP-server
- NAT (Network Address Translation)
- L3 Roaming
- Flexi-VPN
- Model Name:
- SZ144-D
- Product Family:
- SmartZone (SZ)
- Recommended Software:
- Stability Release:
- Technology Release:
How to Troubleshoot RUCKUS SmartZone Dataplane / Virtual Dataplane client connectivity issue?
This document provides a comprehensive guide for SZ-Dataplane and vSZ-Dataplance client connectivity Issues. It includes necessary steps, troubleshooting tips, and resolution methods.
Dataplane DP IP changed to DP after a power loss event
It is a rare occasion network configuration files are corrupted after a power loss event, but it could occur if power loss event was due to power surge or other stressful environmental factors
How to determine which NIC card driver is used from a dataplane support log
This article assists in determining the NIC card driver used from a dataplane support log
What are the order of steps in SmartZone AP Zone upgrades?
APs exchange information with SmartZone, triggering firmware download, reboot, configuration.
Inconsistencies with "AP Connection status" on SmartZone 5.1.0 web GUI
This article explains the solution for the inconsistencies seen with "AP Connection status" on SmartZone web GUI
How to add additional SSH port in RUCKUS SmartZone(SZ)
Article talks about how to configure an additional port for SSH access, while default port remains 22 for SZ and AP/Switch/Dataplane communication.
Disable AP radio | vSZ | SmartZone
How to disable a specific radio on an AP
Enabling smart-roam on SmartZone controller
How to enable smart-roam on SmartZone controller via CLI.
Steps to Replace Standby ZD in Smart Redundancy Setup
Steps involved in replacing defective/failed Standby ZD in Smart Redundancy Setup
Using Google OAuth for Zero-IT provisioning in SmartZone setup
This article contains a document on how to use Google OAuth service to provide Zero-IT based secure access to wireless users. Any user with a GMAIL address can log into the onboarding... (continued)
Do we have any Setup info for Wi-Fi Calling in SmartZone 5.0?
The attached guide describes Wi-Fi Calling and requirements, with SZ 5.0 controller side configuration example.
SmartZone OS equivalent for remote ap cli -A command like in ZD
How to run AP CLI commands from SCG/vSZ/SZ1xx/SZ300 running Smartzone OS
Cannot create tunneled SSID on legacy (3.6.2) zone on SmartZone
Cannot create tunneled SSID on a zone that has version 3.6.2 AP firmware, while controller is version
Does Virtual SmartZone(vSZ) supports migration from one hypervisor to another
Customer wants to migrate their vSZ from one hypervisor like ESXi to Hyper-V. However, migration from one to another Hypervisor environment is not supported by the vSZ. This is as per... (continued)
SmartZone AP Events & Alarms - Retention Limits
A summary of the data retention periods for SZ-H and SZ-E.
SmartZone SCG/vSZ Guest Access
These are steps to configure Guest Access on SmartZone SCG/vSZ controllers.
SmartZone 802.1x-MAC option description
Description of the operation of 802.1x-MAC option available for WLAN configuration on SZ controller platform
How to login to SmartZone managed APs?
You can login to SmartZone managed APs directly, with Zone setup field info, or with cluster username password on SCG/vSZ-H APs, or defaults on Staging zone APs.
SmartZone Report Filename format details
SmartZone report filenames include a string of digits after the text.
This article outlines the details of these digits.
ASCII Unicode Character support in SmartZone
Full ASCII Unicode Character support is available in SmartZone 3.4+.
AP management VLAN options under SmartZone
This article explains available options if you want to use VLANs for AP management under SZ-100, vSZ, and SC-200.
vSZ: Virtual SmartZone Supported Hypervisors
vSZ on 7.0 supports installation on ESXi, Windows Server Hyper-V, KVM CentOS, OpenStack Ubantu and Nutanix hypervisors. For public cloud, it supports installation on AWS, Google Cloud... (continued)
SmartZone Precedence Policy support
Configuration settings combine to determine SmartZone Precedence Policy support.
Firmware Upgrade - Virtual SmartZone (vSZ)
Firmware upgrade Procedure for Virtual SmartZone (vSZ)
SmartZone 3.2 Upgrade Port Changes
Starting in SZ 3.2 release, AP firmware upgrade is performed using HTTPS port 11443. Earlier releases use HTTP port 91.
To ensure that all APs can be upgraded successfully to the new... (continued)
SmartZone node not able to join the Cluster
Common causes of node join failures are Misconfiguration of Network Settings, Firmware Version Mismatch, Form-Factor Compatibility, Interface Configuration Matching, IP Version... (continued)
Disable Weak Ciphers on SmartZone
Article explains about weak ciphers on SmartZone and whether it can be disable or not
SmartZone Ports to be open on a Firewall w/NAT
What ports/protocols need to be open to permit AP to SmartZone controller communication, and if including NAT?
TACACS+ Connection Failing from SmartZone(SZ)
SmartZone connection fails due to outbound firewall
SmartZone UDP:3799 port for AAA CoA and DM
UDP port 3799 is necessary for RADIUS CoA and DM messages and are ONLY supported in Proxy Mode.
Configuring FIPS on SmartZone and AP
This article provides information on configuring FIPS on SmartZone and AP
Visualize Airtime Detail in SmartZone 3.6 / 5.0
New SmartZone feature provides graphical representation of Airtime Utilization details.
SmartZone Cluster Backup Upload and Restore
CLI Command to show the cluster backup upload and restore on vSZ or SZ platform using CLI (SSH/Serial Access)
Enabling SNMP on SmartZone managed AP
This article explains the procedure to enable SNMP service on SmartZone controller managed APs
SmartZone Internal Firewall - Configuration
Configuration examples for the SmartZone outbound firewall
Wi-Fi Calling Profiles for SmartZone
This is a current (for post date) list of FQDN and IP information for ePDG carriers.
How to disable SmartSelect on standalone AP
This article explains about disabling auto channel assignment by the AP in standalone mode
Differences between ZoneDirector (ZoneFlex ZD) and SZ100 / vSZ / SCG200 (SmartZone)
Product AP capacity / authentication / feature / function differences between ZoneDirector (9.13) and SmartZone (3.4) controller platforms.
CP - Setting up MAC Registration with a Ruckus Virtual SmartZone vSZ controller
How to set up Cloudpath MAC Registration with a Ruckus vSZ controller
What Ethernet SFP Optics are compatible with Ruckus ZD, SmartZone, ICX switches, and AP products?
Only the 1/10G SFP+ SR Transceiver on Ruckus price sheet has been tested by our QA on Ruckus SZ appliances.
Only the 100Mbe / 1GigE / 10GigE / 40GigE / 100GigE tranceivers on Ruckus... (continued)
Uploading application signature package on v/Smartzone is not upgrading the package and still shows old package version
This article explains why uploading application signature package do not actually change it to uploaded package and still shows old signature package on vSZ controller GUI when sigpack... (continued)
Steps to ensure AP stability
This article talks about what can be done to ensure AP stability.
Changing static IP of the ZDs when smart redundancy is enabled
This article explains how to change Static IP of primary ZD, Secondary ZD and management interface when there are 2 ZDs on smart redundancy.
Unexpected ZD Smart Redundancy failover
This article explains reasons for failover while there was no visible network communication issues and what can be done to avoid them.
What is the Latency for ZD Smart Redundancy
ZDs use encrypted heartbeats to maintain Smart Redundancy
Disable Smart-redundancy on ZD
This article helps in disabling the smart-redundancy on the ZD
virtual SmartZone installation on Microsoft Azure
This article provide details on how to install a vSZ on Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
SmartZone AP boot sequence and Ports used - 3.2.1 and R300
See the packet trace of AP port/protocol communiations for SmartZone connection and conversion.
What is SmartZone/vSZ Entitlement File and How to Download it?
Steps to download the Support and License File for the SmartZone/vSZ controllers
how to config lag in smartzone-dataplane
hello i have questionhow to config lag in smartzone-dataplaneSZ-104D, 124D, 144D vSZ-Di want lag config 10G+10G = 20Gbut i can't find any command in dataplane
HtH: Installing Virtual SmartZone-Dataplane (vSZ-D) on an ESXi Server and connect to vSZ
We gather feedback about the most popular customer questions, and develop the
Video, technical documents, and knowledge base articles to best answer those questions.
This week’s topic... (continued)
hi Guys, how are you?my question is silly and simple. i just wanted to know what is smart zone?
Anyone here is using Virtual Smart Zone Dataplane ?
We are using vSZ-D and tunneling all traffic from AP to Dataplane and we are facing some basic issue like after a while the tunnels crash and need a reboot of the Dataplane to come back... (continued)
Smartzone WAP status OID
Recently migrated a client from ZD to SZ cluster. They use SolarWinds for monitoring. Are there different OIDs for SZ controller WAPs compared to ZD controlled ones?... (continued)
SCG200 - How can I block traffic through DataPlane SCG-D1
How can I block traffic by Data Plane1Friends,We are working with SCG200, and have set up a new Datapla. I would like to know how do I block DP-0 traffic, forcing the new Data plane... (continued)
Why my Ruckus SmartZone 100 won't strart
Since this morning, my Ruckus SmartZone 100 keeps blinking a red light on power on whit a bips, and can not access from navigator
Smartzone 100 dont start services
Hi everyone. I am new on Ruckus community and I am having problem to access web interface of my smartzone 100 controller. After a reboot I cant get access web page. SSH access is... (continued)
Virtual SmartZone on a different site
Hi, I need to manage many AP on many physical site. Can I setup my smartzone in my primary site and manualy set the controller address on my AP to point to the wan address of my primary... (continued)
Migrating from ZD-1200 to Smartzone-100
Hello All,We are currently running ZD-1200 (9.13 firmware) with 20 R600 Accesspoints which ip were configured statically.we have bought smartzone-100 two numbers now and planning to... (continued)
SmartZone 100: SMTP server settings
We have our SMTP server settings going through a local SMTP server but we want to shut it down. I changed our Ruckus controller SMTP settings to what works for a different program... (continued)
Hi Guys is there any ways to migrate the multiple ap from smartzone to diffrent smartzone? i know we can use remote ap-cli but it is for single ap only. NOTE : the version of... (continued)
Enable smart-roam on SmartZone
How can i enable smart-roam or fastroam on SZ? I have vSZ essentials and the option is not found on the gui or am i missing something? Please advise. Thanks
AP status when fail of SmartZone 100 without HA
Dear support,1. What is the AP status when fail of SmartZone 100 without HA. Could you share case example of controller malfunction, AP can keep running, but without configuration... (continued)
ICX 7150 Stacking Issues on 8.0.92 with SmartZone
I am attempting to deploy a new environment and I have a fresh ICX 7150 stack (two switches) that are having problems.I don't know if I have a bad unit so I wanted to check with the... (continued)
lacp over smartzone 100D
is possible setting lacp in smartzone 100
Smartzone Admins and Roles
I am setting up Admins and Roles in our virtual smartzone vsz-H 3.6.1. I have setup the AAA settings and tested them successfully. I can build local admin users but see no way to build... (continued)
SmartZone 100 Guest Portal
Hello, I'm looking for solutions to create a captive portal for my guest network so that people can register for temporary internet access while on my school sites. From... (continued)
SmartZone "Crash mode" ??
Hi,today we experienced insufficient disk space situation on our VMWare host where the SmartZone was installed. We moved that VM to another datastore and started VM with no problem.... (continued)
Smartzone Inactivity Timer
The SmartZone Inactivity Timer goes for 60-1000 seconds while, from what I'm reading, ZoneDirector's can go as high as 500 minutes. Why the difference? And what's a good... (continued)
About Cluster Smartzone100
Hi Guys,Currently i already use 1 SZ100(A). Now i want buy the new 1 SZ100(B) for for configure the new SZ100(B) is just set to the "Join Cluster" and then will... (continued)
smartzone vs zonedirector
what are the major differences between smartzone and zonedirector?does zonedirector support active/active HA?Thanks.David Liu
SmartZone bug with timezones
There appears to be a bug with timezones in the AP's connected to a SmartZone controller. If you have the timezone of a zone set to anything except GMT, there will be log... (continued)
Virtual SmartZone with R610 AP
I have setup my Virtual Smart Zone controller with version have a ZoneFlexR610 AP but i don't know how to connect it to my controller. Can you explain me how to do... (continued)
SmartZone and ICX Switches
I'm getting ready to turn up a new site of 100 H510 Access Points. We are also using ICX 7150 Switches and a RXG Gateway. Does anyone know when I add these Access Points to SmartZone... (continued)
Upgrade Smartzone
What effect if i fail upgrade firmware smartzone? Can i restore firmware? or how to fix it?
SmartZone AP Support licens
So, our customers SmartZones have started to warn, that they need additional 'AP Support Contract' for all their AP's if they like to firmware upgrade the SmartZone Clusters, like... (continued)
RADUS admin login SmartZone ?
Hello, I am trying to configure RADIUS admin login (via Active Directory NPS server) to the Smartzone. I have been told by Ruckus support that I need to configure each individual... (continued)
Smartzone firmware
I have created Guest Access Portal successfully can access via laptop/desktop and iPad software version 13.4.1. But with iPhone IOS 13.4.1 I am unable to connect to the Guest... (continued)
SmartZone 100 leader - failback
Dear support,I have two SmartZone 100 controllers and they are working together in a cluster (one as a leader the other one as a follower). When I restart the leader I thought... (continued)
azure & smartzone v5.2
Azure Ports for Smartzone.Hi, I've installed virtual smart zone v5.2 in my Azure portal and have the Smart Zone up and running however having real difficultly finding the correct... (continued)
SmartZone AP WiFi radiation
Hello Experts,
We have T300, R510, R610, R710 and H510 at workplaces. All of them on smartzone.
Concerns from customers about EMF spreads sorrounding those APs. I couldnt found any... (continued)
smartzone 100 managed ap
Hi all,Want to ask question about Smartzone 100.If I have 1500 ap need to be managed by Smartzone 100 so I need to purchase at least 2 Smartzone 100 for clustering mode to handle all of the 1500 aps ?
Announcement: SmartZone (GA) is available on Support Portal
Greetings---Ruckus is proud to announce a new major SmartZone 5.2.1 (GA) release, for AP and ICX switch control, with some important new features and functions. The Documentation... (continued)
Smartzone's tunneled SSIDs won't get DHCP
I have an SZ100 running 3.5 with local APs in an office and an AP zone at a remote location with the same SSIDs except they are tunneled back to the SZ100. The remote AP is... (continued)
Smartzone joining cluster after setup ?
Hello, I have two existing vSmartzone controllers both fully configured. Now I want to join one of them to the other as a cluster. However I cannot find info on how to do this... (continued)
smartzone 100 issue with AP's ssid
We have a SZ 100 and randomly all of the AP's lost their SSID and broadcasted Recover.Me. We rebooted the AP's and the SZ with no luck. I then factory reset an AP and added it back to... (continued)
What is the difference between SmartZone & SmartZone
As the title says, what is the difference between SmartZone & SmartZone, and which version should I be upgrading to, my AP's are all R610, R710 &... (continued)
Different dataplane firmware version after replacing SCG200 in a cluster
We have clustered two SCG 200 and due to a failure in a dataplane we have replace the faulty unit to a new SCG200. After integrating the new device with working SCG ( before replace the... (continued)
How to set the SNMP community string for all APs attached to a SmartZone 100?
Title says it all. Trying to set the snmp community string on all APs attached to a SmartZone 100 but can't find where it can be done. On the ZoneDirector devices you can do this fairly... (continued)
How to set static IPs instead of DHCP on APs using script on SmartZone
Hi, I have SmartZone with 490 APs, I need to set static IP addresses, at the moment APs are operating via IP from DHCP. Is there any possibility to configure each AP via SZ's cli, like... (continued)
Smartzone certificate emailing
Does this affect the Zone Directors and/or the stand alone AP deployments? When logging I via the web GUI, I get a cert warning and ignore it.
I have an error on smartZone 100
I have this error on my controller SmartZone100.ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }ata1.00: error: { UNC }ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x200000 SErr 0x0 action 0x0ata1.00: irq_stat... (continued)
M510 and Zone configuration (SmartZone)
If you try to move an M510 to a Zone with a non-tunnel or non-dhcp/nat SSIDin a WG, you will end up with the error message, that this is not possible (no-tunnel, no-dhcp/nat).The move... (continued)
SmartZone 100 User Session Timeout
I am trying to come up with a process for getting our student and staff BYOD devices on the network. We originally tested a small group using 802.1x but we go so many questions... (continued)
ZoneDirector to Virtual SmartZone
I've got 3 existing sites, each with their own ZD1200 (running 10.1 firmware). We're planning to move to Virtual Smart Zone hosted at one location. I see that there is an option to... (continued)
Missing features in SmartZone
Hi,here a small part out of the SmartZone manual: SmartZone controllers are better equipped to handle large WiFi deployments such as within campuses and when customers are... (continued)
H500 cannot discover the smartzone 100
H500 and smartzone in same vlan. Manually Configure the Controller Address on the AP’s Web Interface already by the AP still cannot discover the smartzone? Wireshark was... (continued)
unable connet r600 to smartzone100
hi all, i have one smartzone 100 and 20 r600, but for the first time i set smartzone100 cannot discovery all of my ap (r600). smartzone 100 and r600 at the same subnet. what should i do..?
Google Expedition R700 with SmartZone 100
We are running 3 SmartZone 100 ControllersWe currently have 855 APs, all model Firmware is running very well for our school district. We are now looking into... (continued)
Where do you reboot your SmartZone 100 sz100?
I have been all over the interface and still cannot locate a place where you can click on a button that will reboot the smartzone 100.SZ100 firmware is: it used to be... (continued)
ID | Title | Version | Release Date | Edit Date |
20210108 | RUCKUS AP Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability | 1.0 | January 08, 2021 | January 08, 2021 |
20210114 | Ruckus AP LLDP Vulnerability (CVE-2015-8011, CVE-2015-8012) | 1.0 | January 14, 2021 | January 14, 2021 |
20210129 | AP / ZD CLI Passphrase Vulnerability | 1.0 | January 29, 2021 | January 29, 2021 |
20210409 | RUCKUS SmartZone Information Disclosure Vulnerability | 1.0 | April 09, 2021 | April 09, 2021 |
20230404 | CVE-2022-47522: Framing Frames: Bypassing Wi-Fi Encryption by Manipulating Transmit Queues | 1.0 | April 04, 2023 | April 05, 2023 |
20231128 | CVE-2023-49225: RUCKUS AP Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability | 1.0 | November 29, 2023 | November 29, 2023 |
Technical Support Bulletins
ID | Title | Version | Release Date | Edit Date |
TSB-2024-002 | TSB-2024-002_RUCKUS-License-Server-Host | 3.3 | 2024-05-08 | 2024-05-14 |
TSB-2024-002 | TSB-2024-002_RUCKUS-License-Server-Host | 3.3 | 2024-05-08 | 2024-05-14 |
TSB-2024-007 | TSB 2024-007 - Upgrade Restriction from SmartZone 6.1.2 Patch-3 to SZ 7.0.0 or 7.1.0 | 1.2 | 2024-11-21 | 2025-01-07 |